Friday, October 24, 2008


There once was in man a true happiness, of which all that now remains is the empty print and trace. This he tries in vain to fill with everything around him, seeking in things that are not there the help he cannot find in those that are, though none can help, because the infinite abyss can be filled only with an infinite and immutable object; in other words, by God himself.
-Blaise Pascal

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


We are called to go out into the world and reach all nations as ambassadors of Jesus.
I've been struggling with what that looks like...I mean, we're called to do it, so does that mean that however we do it we're doing it right?!
I think about the mission trips that I've been a part of, especially where we come in contact with kids.
There is usually some sort of fun activities, and some learning activities, and inevitably, one of the youth (Kim) becomes attached to one of the kids (Sammy) and it's reciprocated. Throughout the week Kim will say to Sammy that they love them and Jesus loves them too. Sammy, in some cases, might even link the love given and received by Kim with God's love. We see this as preposterous, because we know that we can't even come close to measuring ourselves in comparison with God's eternal love...but can the child?
Finally, at the end of the week, Sammy and Kim share an Oprah moment together before they separate. Sammy tells Kim to write and she caught in the moment, acquiesces.
Then it is reiterated that God loves Sammy and will never leave her, and the next moment Kim jumps into the van and laughs at the latest inside joke among the group, pausing to wave as the van drives out of the parking lot...another person that is come and gone in the life of Sammy.

What has Sammy just learned about love? Something that might be a pretty solid reality in life: People who love you come and go without much more that a wave, and typically much less.

Will this encounter...that's actually repeated in Sammy's life for the next 10 weeks throughout the summer, be a positive impact or will it harden her to life and love...and God?
Especially when Kim promised to write...(the letter has yet to come)
Just like Kim promised that God would always love her.

Are we perpetuating a problem and offering a hollow gospel, just so that we might, individually, be missionary for a week each year?

Thursday, June 26, 2008


I wanted to create something for me to have as an outlet. I don't think I have anything profound to say, but there might be something that sparks some sort of interest in another mind.
One of the things that has been on my mind is what happens when we reach the light at the end of the tunnel. One of my deepest struggles is that in my heart I wish that good people were able to celebrate in heaven...but according to what I believe, only those who trust in Jesus Christ will come to the Father in Heaven. I would hope that God's grace covers all, yet there are choices, or at least a choice, that we must each make if we are aware of God. He will judge according to what each of us is privy to. I recently attended a funeral for a young man that his family said probably was not a Christian and hadn't accepted the faith that he grew up in. It was depressing to not hear the words, "we will see him again," or "he is in a better place." This world is perhaps all that he thought he'd know.
There is a responsibility that I have because of what I do as it may be.

I will leave it there, but I think I just needed to put into words where I'm at...or at least a glimpse of my thoughts.